Have Your Say – Write for ETS!
We are looking for teachers who are willing to share their knowledge and experience with likeminded education professionals across Australia.
We are seeking case studies outlining the types of projects you have undertaken with students over the last twelve months. These projects should involve technology in some way. For example, it may be a computer based project or a multimedia project or lesson. These case studies might include such information as:
- The nature of the project undertaken
- Why you chose to embark on that project
- What the project involved and the resources required to complete the project
- How you obtained or funded the resources
- The benefit of the project to the students and the school
- The learning outcomes of the project
We are also seeking contributions such as units of work, lesson plans and anything else which you may be able to share with teachers that might benefit them in their classrooms.
To find out more about writing for Education Technology Solutions, or to obtain an editorial proposal form, please email admin@interactivemediasolutions.com.au
All Education Technology Solutions articles should be:
- Impartial– Articles should present a balanced view of both sides of a discussion where applicable.
- Generic– Articles should not promote one particular product or service over another. Education Technology Solutions articles are not advertorials.
- Educational – Education Technology Solutionsprides itself on its ability to make a valuable contribution to the educative enterprise of the teaching profession. This is achieved through its editorial content.
- Interesting– Where possible, add examples, case studies, ‘war stories’ or anecdotes.
- Non-Technical– Given that not everyone who read Education Technology Solutions has a Bachelor’s in Electronics, a masters in IT or a background in Quantum Mechanics and Worm Hole theory, it is important to ensure that technical concepts and terms are explained in the simplest of terns or even avoided where possible.
Education Technology Solutions complies with the Cambridge Australian English Style Guide and the Oxford English Dictionary. All articles should be written in the third person (editorial style). Please ensure that all articles are properly checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission.
Please note: Authors will be required to sign a release agreement prior to the publication of submitted material.
Any images you may wish to include in the article can be sent either electronically or via standard mail. Please ensure that all electronic images are of a resolution no less than 300 Dots Per Inch (DPI) and saved as either TIFF or JPEG files. If you are unable to provide any images for your article, please let the editor know as soon as possible so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Please also include a brief bio of yourself (50 words) and your school or company contact details at the conclusion of the article so interested parties may reach you should they require further information. Education Technology Solutions does not offer any remuneration for published articles.
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